DanceNZmade Gold Awards celebrates and embraces the strength, diversity and passion of dance in New Zealand. Since 2009, Good and golden things come in three's • Amazing workshops, a chance to perform and a chance to win!
DanceNZmade invites you to join theM
Tickets on sale soon!
Amazing Workshops
A chance to perform
Win prizes
Amazing Workshops • A chance to perform • Win prizes •
Awards Programme
Register officially today by emailing us at with your Name, Age and the Event where you got your ticket.
Please make a payment of $50 for your registration and admin fee on the day you email us using your Name/GOLD as reference. Payments to Bank Account: 02-0727-0141939-001
For your family and friends DanceNZmade Gold Awards tickets (full event pass) will be on sale in October and that’s GOLD!

Register officially today with your Name, Age and the Event where you got your ticket.