DanceNZmade celebrates and embraces the strength, diversity and passion of dance in New Zealand. Since 2009, Dean McKerras - New Zealand's own Danceman, and his ever growing team of kiwi dance specialists, have been the force behind the initiative.

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  • Campbellocking / Locking

    Emma Kate Putnam

    Contemporary Amelia Butcher

    Hip Hip Diego Ramos

    Commercial Sophie Hunter

    Jazz / Cirque Dean Mckerras

    Lyrical Kirsten Ocampo

    • a full weekend event will see all Dance Specialists, smaller locations will assigned once regos are in!

  • A must for Comps, a guide for workshops

    8 Introductory

    9-12 Elementary

    13-15 Intermediate

    16+ Advanced

    ‘You know your age’ and over Masters

    ** age groups will be combined for smaller events.

  • $139 will get you eight great workshops!

  • NZ$1000 SHE SHINES ON Fundraising Kickstarter Voucher


    $500 cash from DanceNZmade for top team per venue!

    Golden Tickets

    Return scholarships

    Dance fee scholarships

    PACANZ Team Nominations

Entry Details

  • Entry Limit: 6

    Genres: Jazz, Hip Hop, Musical Theatre, Contemporary, Classical & Lyrical

    Time Limits: None

    Monies per entry: $18 per entry

    Age: Within age group

  • Entry limit: N/A

    Genres: All

    Time limits: N/A

    Monies per entry: $25

    Age: Within age group

  • Entry limit: N/A

    Genres: All

    Time limits: N/A

    Monies per entry: $40

Important Info

  • There is a $15 non-refundable administration portion included in workshop registration fees

  • You can workshop with any age group, up or down, but you must compete in your actual age group

  • Refunds - kind and caring wherever possible

  • Timetables are subject to change according to demand

  • Age groups may be separated or blended according to demand

  • Competition spots are filled with those doing workshops first

  • You should be prepared to display keep sake certificates and trophies

  • Workshops are closed to audience but you’ll see all at our free demo and presentation at the end of the weekend

  • We’ll have professional camera crews at all events, recording our awesomeness so we can promote and share it with our dancenzmade fans. By registering you agree to allow us to use your gorgeousness in our shots, claiming you as a dancenzmade lover! If you would like to have an image removed please contact us

Wish to compete for a PACANZ YOUNG PERFORMER nomination?